Great Little War Game 2 App Reviews

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Compared to the first

The first Great Little War game is way better then this piece of junk game. Why would u guys take out skirmish and pass and play? Those were the 2 best game modes. Stop trying to make the worst game mode (campaign) get a little sun light because no one plays u for your campaign. This game is something I like to play with my friends or I just play skirmish to sharpen my battle strategy. I AM EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED.


Extremely disappointed in this lame sequel to a great game. No effort on originality.


I shouldve read reviews for this one, but I did not, unfortunately. Update should rename game to "Disappointing Little Game". The first was awesome, GBWG was awesome, I have them both. This, what is it? Tiny missions, no storyline, barely anything different from GBWG, and crashes all the time for me. No point in even updating the game, please just make a third one and make it good. Not happy


I was on level 15, where youre supposed to keep Generallisimo qlive for 10 days. I captured one of the enemy barracks, moved my general next to it, and the following turn, the red enemy spawned a sniper at MY new barracks, and killed my general. According to the rules of the game, this should not have happened. Its either poor programming on the developers part, or a gross oversight.

Refund plz


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