As an old C&C addict, the GxWG series has provided countless hours of contemporary fun on lunch breaks, at stoplights and on the couch. This incarnation is just as much fun, if in a more limited way. Unlike its predecessors, GLWG2 features shorter, easier (Shall we say "Bite-sized?") missions and no additional content such as skirmishes. As such, I find myself nearly at the end in just a few hours. But boy, have those hours been fun. New in this version are immediate earnings from a well when you capture it, updated targeting graphics and essentially a blend of the best features from the first two games. Missions alternate rhythmically between targeting the enemy HQ and eliminating the enemy general. The Battle Points system is changed into a more general upgrade system, requiring some assets to be "unlocked" first using points. Subsequent upgrades are progressively more expensive, but yield undefined benefits. Gone are the coveted reductions in purchase price in favor of vague attack/defense upgrades. Gone also are some elements that slowed down gameplay in prior versions. If GBWG reduced the time eaten up by your dereks as they cha-ching! your earnings each round, GLWG2 eliminates the delay entirely. Also gone are the intro screens with the lovable General. Perhaps the nicest surprise is the inclusion of the option between portrait and legacy-landscape orientation. You can even turn the screen during gameplay. All in all, Im happy to have new missions to enjoy in a new way. Thanks Rubicon!